Welcome to Tiny Seeds! My name is Ambra Baldwin Hart, the owner of Tiny Seeds Education. I wanted to share a little bit about this project with you and invite you to join me on this journey.
Tiny Seeds Education was born from my experiences as a Montessori educator, a naturalist, and most importantly a mom of two amazing, vibrant, zesty, neurodivergent kids. Time and time again my path would cross with educators, parents, therapists, and families who knew the importance of getting outside or the importance of child-led learning or research based education, but they just felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. This led to stagnation and frustration. My advice has always been to start small…one little change is a step in the right direction. If we all made tiny changes in our daily habits, eventually we could change the world!
This idea became Tiny Seeds Education, where we stand on the following principles as our foundation:
Everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status deserves to have access to, and reap the benefits from, time in nature.
Children should have the opportunity to learn about the natural world before we are asking them to save it.
Education should be child-centered, hands-on, and based on best practices found through research.
All children deserve to be loved and supported through positive interactions with their families, their caregivers, and their educators.
Our communities will be better places if we all practice acceptance, recognize the need for social justice, and offer more peace and understanding to our neighbors, both far and near.
Most importantly, we believe that all growth starts with just one tiny seed.
So no matter where you are in your journey, no matter where you hope to go - you just need to start with one tiny change, one little shift, one idea of a seed planted in your brain. If we plant seeds of ideas throughout our communities, imagine the change we can bring about! Thank you for joining me, and I hope to work with you soon.